After some real headaches, I finally managed to get my Google account associated with properly again. For a while, I had just about given up hope, but here I am again.
So, lots of good races and race reports were missed between IMTX and now. Maybe I should go back and add them in. Reykjavik Marathon, Portland Marathon, four different 50k races including a new PR of 5:07 and just recently, I led the 4:15 pace team at the Houston Marathon on an interesting and thoroughly fun tour around town.
Last November I was elected president of Houston Racing Triathlon Club and I'm having all kinds of fun and adventures leading that group into new and ever better horizons.
I suppose the most immediate thing on my mind is the Rocky Raccoon 100 mile trail run which is less than ten days away. I have been training for it since the summer and I've brought in the help of my friend and nutritionist Penny Wilson to fix the problem that took me out of the race last year. I have two great pacers lined up this time and I believe this is the time I get the finisher's buckle.
I guess we'll find out.